Lowry began to wonder why so many composers had focused on the river of death, and not of the crystal clear waters coming from the river of life, that flowed from the throne of Christ and of the Lamb. While Lowry was inside resting from being drained from the heat, he began to have visions of the river flowing from Christs throne (REV. "Shall We Gather at the River," was composed by Lowry late one afternoon in 1864, in the midst of the civil war. His Library was thought to contain several works of music that dated to be over 150 years old. Despite his best efforts, Lowry is still known best for his composing of hymns and not for his preaching. While taking his role more serious, Lowry began collecting music in his library, which later on was noted to be one of the most thorough libraries around. While working for Biglow & Maine, Lowry helped to edit several books, some of which sold over one million copies (the Sunday School book Pure Gold). I have always looked upon myself as a preacher and felt a sort of depreciation when I began to be known more as a composer." Though Lowry did not want to be known as a composer, he accepted his role as a musical editor in 1885 for a company by the name of Biglow &Maine. "Music, with me has been a side issue," Lowry said, "I would much rather preach a gospel sermon to an appreciative audience than write a hymn. It was well known that Lowry was a great composer, but he would have much rather been known for his Preaching than for his hymn writing. He left the United States and went on a four year vacation upon arriving home he removed himself from his pastoral duties at Park Avenue church.

After he retired from the University, he went to Plainfield, New Jersey where he became the pastor at Park Avenue Church until 1880, when he began to feel that it was time he move on. In 1869, Lowry took a call to be a teacher at the University of Lewisburg where he also served as Chancellor until 1875. Immediately after Lowry graduated from the University in 1854, he became ordained as a Baptist minister and was given several calls to churches around the Philadelphia (New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey). Robert Lowry was a devout Baptist who grew up in Philadelphia, where upon being old enough, went to study Theology at the University of Lewisburg, now known as Bruckner University. This one goes out to my Grandpa, John Collins.